Promotional Offers
How many promotional offers can I use at one time?
You can use one promotional offer per order. If you have multiple offers, please select the best deal for you at the time. Please note: this will override any online promotions, prices, discounts or any other web advertisements previously entered in your shopping cart.
Where do I enter my promotional offer code?
The code can be entered into the Promo/Source Code field within the shopping cart prior to checkout.
Where do I find the promotional offer code on my catalog?
Look for the WEB PROMO CODE box on the back of your catalog. Use this code to get the prices listed in the catalog on your online order.
Where do I find the promotional offer code in an email?
We no longer include a promotional offer code in emails. You receive and activate the offer simply by clicking through the email. For more information about email offers, please visit our Terms of Service page.